Hi-Tech Kabin Industrial Estate project developed by Hi-Tech Kabin Logistics Corp., Ltd.. The project has go through the environmental impact assessment (EIA), natural resources, surroundings, as well as the people in the communities have been studied and evaluated (HIA). Opinions from relevant organizations and consultations have been held with the public.
Hi-Tech Kabin Industrial Estate had given the environmental issue as commitment to public. We are one of the early bird to obtain the “ ISO 14001 ” in 1990s. The safety and impact on environmental has been monitoring by Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT). Thai Industrial Estate has to strictly following to the highest standard and protocols, as well as reporting to natural resources ministry and related departments in every 6 months. The report are as following :
Air quality as measured at inside Estate and local community nearby on 2 times per year (7 days per time) during January to June and July to December. Index measurements include TSP, SO2, NO2, wind speed and direction.
Hi-Tech Kabin do not have incinerator in the Estate.
Analysis of surface water quality in the Reservoir with 3 stations and outside water supply sorse with 1 station on 4 times per year for the Index Analysis consist of
17. Heavy metal
Analysis of effluent quality before entering wastewater treatment and after wastewater treatment per month for the first time the index analysis consist of
17. Heavy metal
Sound assessment Leq 24 hr and L90 around in the Estate and nearby residential area twice a year, three consecutive days each time.
Sampling water at facility of water treatment and outside water supply reservoir on 2 times per year.
Assessment of soil quality in 4 factories twice a year. The assessment criteria are as following : pH, Conductivity, Sodium Absorption, Total Barium, Total Cadmium, Trivalent Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Total Copper, Total Lead, Total Nickel, Total Silver, Total Zinc, Total Manganese, Total Iron, Total Aluminm, Total Arsenic, Total Selenium and Total Mercury
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